09 Sep A Witch Hunt Dossier – Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement Files
*The Cheat-Sheet is a series of posts which complement the researches presented in the ‘Analysis’ articles. They mostly build off insights found there and serve as a little (more informal) notebook (*cheat sheet*) which helps in contextualizing the artist’s (or label’s) opus with the thoughts presented there. The ideas written here are by no means final and they are meant to encourage your own research.
Dominick Fernow is a productive man, we all know that, but even to us – who dug deeply into his opus – it’s still hard to process the unhuman amount of excellent work that he managed to create in the first half of the twenty-tens, and most notably between 2011 and 2013. Not only did the Vatican Shadow laid his foundational work then, but the rebirth (or recontextualization) of Prurient also took place, as well as the start of Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement – one of his more ‘known’ (whatever that means) projects – central to this article.
Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement started, or at least got its debut work released, in 2011, under the veil of anonymity but nonetheless striking – not only because of the long (and pretentious?) project name, but also due to track titles whose vividness, form and ‘ambition’ surpassed even the Vatican Shadow ones. The green colour scheme was predominant and subject matter was based around the Papua New Guinea witch-hunts; murder, torture and sorcery accusations which are still happening today despite sounding unbelievable to the average western ears. Finally, the sound was initially based around Ambient Dub and Dark Ambient electronics interconnected with some atmospheric field recordings – or sounds of the rainforest if you like
The idea of anonymity probably started with the initial press-coverage, most notably from Boomkat, whose propaganda for projects like this one is usually impeccable, no matter if it’s about creating the intrigue or just overblowing the genre tags:
“Very bloody good ambient/black Techno from some character working as Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement for Prurient’s Hospital Productions. We wouldn’t like to hazard a guess at who this is, but it sounds somewhere between Prurient’s more bleached out ambient bits and a less noisy Alberich, full of groaning metallic timbres and strangely artificial nature sounds, anchored to deep, distant bass pulses…”
“2011, the project was shrouded in a veil of mystery which left many fiends guessing to its provenance — it seemed too far reduced to be identified as Fernow’s work, but also didn’t easily resonate with anyone of Hospital Productions’ usual suspects, instead holding a unique line of stygian slow techno that sounded like some our bleakest, febrile fantasies come to life.”
Even TinyMixtapes, in their review of Prurient’s masterpiece ‘Frozen Niagara Falls’, mentioned Fernow’s ‘implied involvement in Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement‘ – take note that this is as late as 2015, when project had already released a significant body of work. In one of the rare instances where he commented on the project, Fernow denied the concept of anonymity but also gave some more insight into the the reasoning behind his main side-projects at that time:
“Something that’s ridiculous is this idea of anonymity. It was created entirely by other people who weren’t reading the description of the Christian Cosmos album that came out, which said Christian Cosmos, Rainforest and Vatican are all my projects. And they’re all dealing with fear and anxiety in different environments. They’re intentionally connected through the use of electronics, rhythm and subject matter. Rainforest is natural and superstition based, Vatican is technology and earthly issues, and Christian Cosmos is religious and esoteric. So, yes, they do sound similar, but that’s the point. It’s a way of exploring one topic through different voices. Another way of putting it is man, nature and god, or father, son, holy ghost.” (Self-Titled, 2013)
Finally, he got into the background of Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement project itself:
“It’s primarily about Papa New Guinea and witchcraft, which also has this strange relationship with true crime. There’s an enormous amount of murders happening, involving people who are suspected to be witches. There’s this insane crisis happening where police literally don’t have the resources to investigate the murders. And by that, I mean, they don’t even have gas money to go into the jungle. So, yes, I am a person who’s suffered form anxiety disorders my entire life, but it’s more an exploration of fear in general. These beliefs, or these lack of beliefs, is what generates this fear and anxiety. All fear comes from control, or the perception of a lack of control. It’s personal in the sense that it’s an attempt to explore and understand these disorders but it’s using all of these other stories. I think it’s important to draw the distinction between the intent and the outcome. To an extent, everything I do is personal but using these other stories is a way to let other people in more. That’s what I’ve learned with Prurient—that there’s a limit in terms of how far people will go into your story.” (Self-Titled, 2013)
Most of the key takeaways from the Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement project would be pretty much equal to those of Vatican Shadow, they are made by the same person after all – the methods or imagery may differ, but tactics are generally similar. This *Cheat Sheet* will go through each of the RSE releases and give you a quick insight what to expect from each one, encouraging your own deep dive into the rainforest…
What I perceive as a first phase of the Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement’s opus are its early, tone-setting tapes, mostly pressed in very limited quantities and released between 2011 and 2013. All of these records were later remastered and compiled as a ‘Water Witches’ boxset, showcasing the darker side of Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement’s suffocating drone mysticism and occult electronics. So let’s start chronologically…
Fallen Leaves Camouflaged Behind Tropical Flowers (2011) [EP]
Physical format:
– Cassette (59 copies – 2011, Hospital Productions)
– Vinyl (500 copies – Transparent Green – 2017, Hospital Productions)
Can be found in Water Witches Cassette Box set (200 copies – 2017, Hospital Productions / 50 copies – 2018, Hospital Productions)
Green Amulet Crafts Supernatural Qualities (2011) [EP]
Physical format:
– Cassette (63 copies – 2011, Hospital Productions)
– Vinyl (500 copies – Transparent Green – 2017, Hospital Productions)
Can be found in Water Witches Cassette Box set (200 copies – 2017, Hospital Productions / 50 copies – 2018, Hospital Productions)
Jungle Black Magic and Highlands Green Sorcery (2012) [EP]
Physical format:
– Cassette (49 copies – 2012, Hospital Productions)
– Vinyl (500 copies (Transparent Green) – 2017, Hospital Productions)
Can be found in Water Witches Cassette Box set (200 copies – 2017, Hospital Productions / 50 copies – 2018, Hospital Productions)
Papua Land Where Spirits Still Rule (2012)
Physical format:
– Cassette (16 copies – 2012, Hospital Productions)
– Vinyl (500 copies – 2017, Hospital Productions)
Can be found in Water Witches Cassette Box set (200 copies – 2017, Hospital / 50 copies – 2018, Hospital Productions)
Black Magic Cannot Cross Water (2012)
Physical format:
– Cassette (79 copies – 2012, Hospital Productions)
– Vinyl (2014, Blackest Ever Black)
Can be found in Water Witches Cassette Box set (200 copies – 2017, Hospital Productions / 50 copies – 2018, Hospital Productions)
Taking Place in the Foyer (2012) [EP]
Physical format:
– Cassette (14 copies – 2012, Hospital Productions)
– Vinyl (500 copies – Transparent Green – 2017, Hospital Productions)
Can be found in Water Witches Cassette Box set (200 copies – 2017, Hospital Productions / 50 copies – 2018, Hospital Productions)
[Even though I’d like to keep all of the ‘early’ records under one flag, there’s some logic in observing the following three (especially the last two) as a sub-phase, since they offered some of the first flirtations with Techno (and even some dance-floor) sounds.]
The Plant With Many Faces (2013)
Physical format:
– Vinyl (500 copies – Black, 500 copies – Clear – 2013, Hospital Productions)
Can be found in Water Witches Cassette Box set (200 copies – 2017, Hospital Productions / 50 copies – 2018, Hospital Productions)
Can be found in The Plant With Many Faces / Folklore Venom Cassette Box set (99 copies – 2013, Hospital Productions)
Folklore Venom (2013)
Physical format:
– Vinyl (500 copies – Black, 500 copies – Red Translucent – 2013, Hospital Productions)
Can be found in Water Witches Cassette Box set (200 copies – 2017, Hospital Productions / 50 copies – 2018, Hospital Productions)
Can be found in The Plant With Many Faces / Folklore Venom Cassette Box set (99 copies – 2013, Hospital Productions)
Water Rose Above the Head (2013) [EP]
Physical format:
– Vinyl (Black, 500 copies (Transparent Green) – 2013, Bed of Nails)
Can be found in Water Witches Cassette Box set (200 copies – 2017, Hospital Productions / 50 copies – 2018, Hospital Productions)
It seems weird now, but there was a three years of pause between ‘Water Rose Above The Head’ and the following Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement release. There are no specific reasons (mentioned) for that but maybe it could be linked to Vatican Shadow becoming a strong touring outfit and Fernow’s ‘main’ project in Europe. Phase two is marked by the two mammoth releases, clocking around three hours, with more polished sound, professional attitude and obvious influence of Berlin’s (where Fernow relocated at that time) way of handling record releases, most evident in detailed press releases about the nature of sound – sound was often secondary to atmosphere, mystery and themes until that point.
For example:
“Rainforest spiritual enslavement is the ambient techno project of Dominick Fernow. focusing on slow paced bass studies and and synthetic dub textures, surrounded by collaged and looped field recording environments, RSE shrouds sound over image to target the sector of brain where fear supersedes rationality – the imagination. As RSE appears live for the first time it has transformed into an entity with rotating contributors on stage and on recording…The debut live performance of Fernow’s most restrained project will feature studies in bass and field recording environments.“
There is also plenty of accent on the personnel involved in the album’s engineering:
“The new album Ambient Black Magic features sound-on-sound processing by Silent Servant, a massive dub remix from Substance, and mastering by Paul Corley. Having released a series of early cassettes on Fernow’s own Hospital Productions imprint, the project remained in obscurity for fanatics of the label’s direct cassette culture until London’s Blackest Ever Black reissued Black Magic Cannot Cross Water on vinyl. The EP brought the rhythmic field recordings to the attention of Neel of Voices From The Lake.”
All in all, just like the Phase One was tone-setting in the context of project’s sound and mythology, Phase Two had been tone-setting in presenting it maturity as a ‘serious’ project ready for some professional work, presentation and touring. The era also marked the vinyl reissues of the early work. Contrary to Vatican Shadow’s high reliance on visuals and imagery, Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement reissues came in green vinyl housed in generic sleeves, serving as a minimalistic counterpart to Vatican’s graphic heavy opus.
Green Graves (2016)
Physical format:
– Cassette (50 copies – available only with pre-order of Case Studies in Early Taxidermy Techniques by Skin Crime – 2016, Hospital Productions)
– Vinyl (480 copies (150 – Moss Green, 330 – Black) – 2016, Hospital Productions ; 500 copies (Cyan) – 2018, Hospital Productions)
Ambient Black Magic (2017)
Physical format:
– Vinyl (12″+10″ – Transparent Yellow – 2017, Hospital / 12″+10″ – 2018, Hospital Productions)
– CD (2017, Hospital Productions)
In late 2019, Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement made their European club debuts (following the USA live debut in 2018), first in Paris but also in Berghain, officially leaving the stigma of a ‘bedroom act’. The pandemic stopped them in the subsequent touring, but we will see what the future brings. Whatever it does, this article will surely cover it.
Red Ants Genesis (2018)
Physical format:
– Cassette (2018, Hospital Productions)
– Vinyl (Regular Black, 300 Copies (Red) – 2018, Hospital Productions)
Venus Flytrap Exotica (2019) [EP]
Physical format:
– 7″ Vinyl (300 copies – Clear, 400 copies – Bottle Green, 2019, Gravats)
Panama Canal Left-Hand Path (2019) [EP]
Physical format:
– Cassette (500 copies (Regular), 80 Copies (or 100, Special Edition packaging, Mixed – 2019, Hospital Productions)
(The release also includes Simulated Thunderstorm)
Simulated Thunderstorm (2019)
Physical format:
Can be found in ‘Panama Canal Left-Hand Path’ Cassette set (500 copies (Regular), 80 Copies (or 100, Special Edition packaging, Mixed – 2019, Hospital Productions)
Flying Fish Ambience (2021)
A first proper album made by Low Jack and Dominick Fernow together, as a collaborative effort. Until this point, Low Jack had been a touring member and assisted with the projects which were, in theory, still Fernow’s solo work…
Physical format:
– Vinyl (Test Pressing Version (30 copies), Regular Black, Glow In The Dark – 2021, Hospital Productions)
Can be found on the ‘Seashell Altars’ cassette boxset (2o21, Hospital Productions)
Jellyfish Reproduce Black Magic (2021) [EP]
*No Artwork yet*
Physical format:
Can be found on the ‘Seashell Altars’ cassette boxset (2o21, Hospital) and on the Test Pressing vinyl version of ‘Flying Fish Ambience’ (2021, Hospital Productions)
The Plant With Many Faces / Folklore Venom (2013) [Compilation]
Physical format:
– Cassette (99 copies – 2013, Hospital Productions)
Water Witches (2017) [Compilation]

Physical format:
– Cassette (200 copies – 2017, Hospital Productions/ 50 Copies (Green Cover) – 2018, Hospital Productions)
Seashell Altars (2021) [Compilation]
*More info coming after proper listens*
Consists of ‘Flying Fish Ambience’ in its entirety, ‘Jellyfish Reproduce Black Magic’ EP in its entirety, two bonus tracks ‘Black Magic Spreads Through The Ecosystem’ and an alternate version of ‘Phosphorescence On Rowing Oars At Night (Club Mosses Edit)’ and the title cassette ‘Seashell Altars’.
Physical format:
– Cassette (2021, Hospital Productions)
Remixed by Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement:
Dissociation (Dissociation (Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement Extended Remix) – JK Flesh
Act (Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement Remix) – My Disco
Live Sets:
SAVE 2019 * ARMA, Mutabor, Moscow (2019)
Non-Album Tracks:
*Originally published in March 2021. Written in August, 2020.
* The aforementioned ideas are not meant to be portrayed as the Dominick Fernow’s (or anyone’s involved) agenda, attitude or stance. They are just my observations of a project, correlated with some pre-existing knowledge.
** Media theorist Geert Lovink asserts that blogging is “essentially a nihilist exercise, a digital self-fashioning that actually negates critical engagement, privileging self-promotion over analytical interventions.” Nicolas Carr considers it “a flat noise of opinion – a Socrates’ nightmare.” (Falconer, R., 2015.). While this quote, thanks to social media, can easily be translated to a whole internet, there is a honest intent in this article – it’s conceived in order to champion an inspiring artist and possibly encourage others to do their own (rewarding) research.
*** The images are sourced from the Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement album artworks, cropped when needed (outside the record ‘review’ context) in order to match the site’s visual direction. The RSE portrait is sourced from Fact Mag, labeled as a press photo. In case you’re the author and would like to get some images removed, please let me know here.
**** Support the artist’s music by buying it while they are still alive.